Georgia Jobs 10 Jobs

GIS Analyst

Forsyth County Government

Cumming, GA

$54,224 -- Forsyth County Government -- Develop and maintain the geographic information system (GIS) computerized mapping database, analyze geographic data, perform GIS computerized mapping functions,...

2 days ago

Development Events Manager

One Hundred Miles

Brunswick, GA

$50,000 - $70,000 -- One Hundred Miles -- Develop and manage all aspects of a new fundraising event that generates new funding and growth, supports OHM branding, and taps into new audiences....

4 days ago

WLFW Bobwhite & Grassland Bird Outcomes Assessment Coordinator

Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever

City negotiable., MO

$52,000 -- Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever -- Implement a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation protocol to document the success of applicable program work to increase quail and pollinator habit...

8 days ago

Research Technician

Phinizy Center for Water Sciences

Augusta, GA

POSITION CLASSIFICAITON:  Exempt - Salaried                                     HOURS: 40 hours per week...

8 days ago

Wildlife Technician 2

Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Brunswick, GA

$39,418.30 -- Georgia Department of Natural Resources -- Provide support for coastal wildlife conservation projects, including sea turtle, marine mammal and shorebird research....

9 days ago

Conservation Horticulturist

Atlanta Botanical Garden

Gainesville, GA

Atlanta Botanical Garden -- Support the curation of the ex situ conservation collections of rare and endangered plants and help to ensure the nursery’s physical structures and systems operate effici...

11 days ago

4-H Coastal Environmental Educator

Burton 4-H Center On Tybee Island (UGA Extension)

Tybee Island, GA


16 days ago

Field Organizer

Student PIRGs

Atlanta, GA

Become a Campus Organizer  Given the challenges facing our future–from climate change and the biodiversity crisis, to toxic threats and the erosion of civic life–now m...

17 days ago

Island Naturalist

The Lodge on Little Saint Simons Island

Saint Simons Island, GA

Little St. Simons Island (LSSI) is a privately-owned barrier island in coastal Georgia accessible by boat only. Its Lodge is a destination for as many as 32 overnight guests with extraordinary oppo...

29 days ago

Online Ecosystem Management Master's

Penn State World Campus

100% Online

Prepare to lead the management of natural resources and keep up with rapid changes in applications and methodology by earning an Ecosystem Management degree or certificate online through Penn State World Campus.